Hillcrest Public SchoolThe Hillcrest Ratepayers’ community is part of the historic Clarkson area of Mississauga. Our area is named Hillcrest after the original Hillcrest school which dates back to the early 1800’s. The school was the first one built for the local community.

The original location of Hillcrest school was at the corner of Southdown Road and South Service Road. By 1958, the Hillcrest community saw a new school constructed on an apple orchard off of Springwell Ave.

Today, the Hillcrest Middle School remains a hub of activity for our community.  It’s also home to many generations of hawks that nest in the local area. 

Read more here in the Mississauga News.

On the edge of our community boundary is the Benares Historic House and Museum where a detailed history of our community can be learned.

Most homes in the area were built in the late 1950’s and early 1960’s. This aerial photo from 1954 shows mainly orchards, green space and farmland where approximately 800 households are today.

1954 Aerial view of Hillcrest community of Clarkson
1954 Aerial view of Hillcrest community of Clarkson